Mango the Clown
7.8% ABV
OG: 16.6P
FG: 2.9P
ABV: 7.8%
IBU: 62
malt: 100% Coopers Pilsner Malt
hops: Mosaic and Citra
yeast: Novalager
water: 3:1 Chloride Heavy
other: Mango Terpenes
Mango is the best fruit, and possibly the best food. Unfortunately, capturing the majesty that is mango is a very elusive task. I have tried to make mango icecream, fudge, hotsauce, and of course, beer. But it never gives that fresh mango vibe, the squishy succulence of a big thick slice of freshly cut mango.
This mango terpene IPL is the closest I have come across, and it really scratches that itch.
Underneath it is a pretty simple IPL. Mosaic and Citra were chosen not only because they play incredibly well together in hoppy American styles, but they have the range of characters to underpin those mango flavours.
I remember my favourite mango. It was in Bihar, India, on a 51C day in 2010. I tried to get some of that desert scrub into the label, but it ended up doing a wild west type thing. Do you know how hard it is to not call a mango beer some reference to Django Unchained, especially when your brain is primed with images from rural America? Brutal.